
Showing posts from December, 2019

Perfection is a mirage.Stop chasing it.

Perfection can be defined as a state where we don't see a need for improvement. It's a feeling of flawlessness. In our day to day to life, we often strive to achieve this perfect state in whatever we do. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Interesting thing to note is, whenever we succeed in achieving this standard that we have set, it just stays there temporarily until we find another improvised version of the same. For example, a solution that you provide at your workplace remains perfect until someone else comes up with a better one. A scorecard remains perfect until someone else scores better. The bar just keeps getting higher. Perfection is relative and achieving it is a never-ending quest. Then at what point should we stop. Is it worth to even chase? Being a perfectionist has both its pros and cons. If we look at the positive side, it helps you to achieve more. You gain trust of others as you deliver the best version. You get to channelize your energy...