Why it's difficult for women to say no?
Women empowerment is a term widely used these days in all sectors. Extra steps are taken to add diversity at workplaces and encourage gender equality. Despite all these efforts going on, I still feel there is a fundamental problem that lies within the root. Do women feel free in their own surrounding? Can they express their true opinion or thoughts without being judged? Every woman must ask this question to their inner self and listen to the answer that comes from within. Do you feel free? If yes, then you can skip reading this post. Let's trace back in time to understand this concept a little in depth. Historically the idea of a happy home is being tied to women's shoulders. A woman’s first responsibility is to her family, caring for them and making the home a happy place. It's very difficult to change this law of society as it's believed to be a task bestowed upon women by nature itself. By nature, women are caring and emotional. It's not restricted just to h...