
The equation of giving and receiving

    The term “give and take” is deeply rooted within human society. Be it in relationships, businesses or communities this act, or process of exchange plays a vital part in our daily lives. No one can claim to be completely selfless person. So, we all believe in the reciprocity. Now the question here is how balance should be this equation? Or does it need to be balanced at all? Let’s try to analyze and hopefully we will find the answer together. Psychologist Adam Grant divides the working world into three groups of people: Givers ,  Takers , and Matchers . Givers are people who strongly believe in generosity. They always look forward to help others and derive their happiness from the joy of giving. On the other hand, takers are just the opposite. They look for every opportunity that will benefit them in some way. And finally, matchers are those who tries to establish an equilibrium between these two categories. At a first glance you might get biased towards one o...

Why it's difficult for women to say no?

  Women empowerment is a term widely used these days in all sectors. Extra steps are taken to add diversity at workplaces and  encourage gender equality. Despite all these efforts going on, I still feel there is a fundamental problem that lies within the root. Do women feel free in their own surrounding? Can they express their true opinion or thoughts without being judged? Every woman must ask this question to their inner self and listen to the answer that comes from within. Do you feel free? If yes, then you can skip reading this post. Let's trace back in time to understand this concept a little in depth. Historically the idea of a happy home is being tied to women's shoulders. A woman’s first responsibility is to her family, caring for them and making the home a happy place. It's very difficult to change this law of society as it's believed to be a task bestowed upon women by nature itself. By nature, women are caring and emotional. It's not restricted just to h...

Why is this happening to me?

Every adult in this world must have asked this question at least once in their lifetime. Why me? Why did this happen to me?  When there is a deviation in our daily life, when adversity hits us, the first thought that comes to mind is this phrase. What follows is a series of self-recrimination. What did I do wrong? For what am I getting this punishment? What could have been done differently to avoid this? No wonder I had these thoughts several times in my life. Few of them I remember quite clearly. When I was a teenager, I faced a situation that broke me badly from inside. That was my first encounter with what I called a failure back then. I practiced hard for an event and did not win the competition. The inner self of me could not just accept that fact and I remember crying for several hours and did not eat food even. After the initial crying phase was over, I went to my mother with this question. Mommy, why did I not win? Why did this happen to me? I gave my hundred percent; ...

10 Rules Women Should Practice to Improve Quality of Life

March 8 is celebrated as international women's day, to recognize the success and achievements of women all around the world. On this occasion, I thought of articulating few of the common practices that we as women need to follow in order to be strong and happy. 1.Stop Feeling Guilty: As women, we often carry the guilt feeling with us in our everyday lives. No matter how hard we try to strike that perfect balance in all the different roles that we play, there lacks a sense of satisfaction inside us. We often downplay our efforts and exaggerate the flaws.   Am I being a good mother? Am I contributing enough at my workplace? Is my house being maintained nicely? Wish I could make more home cooked meals? Am I giving enough support to aging parents? These are some of the questions that keeps juggling in our head all the time. How to get rid of this guilt feeling?  It's possible only if we forgive ourselves for our flaws. We need to learn to appreciate our own self...

What love is not

"LOVE" a mere four-letter word, yet it's the basis of everything around us. I am not sure if there exists a concrete definition of love. Everybody has got their own meaning of love. But one thing that stays common across is that love is a basic necessity in human life. It's the thread that connects us to our surroundings. It's the energy behind our actions. Love is life. Love comes in many forms. Parental love, platonic love, teenage love, romantic love, spiritual love and self love. As we experience all these variations of love through our life journey, we have an idea about some of  the characteristics of love. Trust, affection, respect, understanding, acceptance, growth are some of them. But before we know what is true love, let's understand what it is not. What are some of the common myths around love? LOVE is not blind: This is the phrase we all have heard "love is blind". But let me tell you, true love is not blind, infatuation is...

Exposing your true self will set you free

When asked the question "How are you”? What’s the most common answer people give? "I am doing good". "I am fine". Even though the day is going super bad, our heart is screaming from inside, we just try to put out that smile and go with the standard reply that everything is good. Have you ever thought about it, what holds us back from saying the truth? Is it the fear of judgement, our lack of trust with the outside world or simply to refrain ourselves from further discussion or questioning? Now imagine for a moment if we can share our true feelings about that very moment, wouldn't it act like a reducer to our emotional stress. And in the state of happiness, this sounds true too. There is a quote saying, "Happiness is only real when shared". Apart from emotions, there are situations where we present a different persona instead of exposing our own true self.  For example, in a decision-making situation, lot of people just agree to go w...

Perfection is a mirage.Stop chasing it.

Perfection can be defined as a state where we don't see a need for improvement. It's a feeling of flawlessness. In our day to day to life, we often strive to achieve this perfect state in whatever we do. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Interesting thing to note is, whenever we succeed in achieving this standard that we have set, it just stays there temporarily until we find another improvised version of the same. For example, a solution that you provide at your workplace remains perfect until someone else comes up with a better one. A scorecard remains perfect until someone else scores better. The bar just keeps getting higher. Perfection is relative and achieving it is a never-ending quest. Then at what point should we stop. Is it worth to even chase? Being a perfectionist has both its pros and cons. If we look at the positive side, it helps you to achieve more. You gain trust of others as you deliver the best version. You get to channelize your energy...