Exposing your true self will set you free

When asked the question "How are you”? What’s the most common answer people give? "I am doing good". "I am fine". Even though the day is going super bad, our heart is screaming from inside, we just try to put out that smile and go with the standard reply that everything is good. Have you ever thought about it, what holds us back from saying the truth? Is it the fear of judgement, our lack of trust with the outside world or simply to refrain ourselves from further discussion or questioning? Now imagine for a moment if we can share our true feelings about that very moment, wouldn't it act like a reducer to our emotional stress. And in the state of happiness, this sounds true too. There is a quote saying, "Happiness is only real when shared". Apart from emotions, there are situations where we present a different persona instead of exposing our own true self.  For example, in a decision-making situation, lot of people just agree to go with the herd instead of standing for their own belief. Later on, that decision might just give the guilt feeling and the question keeps popping up in the head, wish I would have done that differently?

We live in a society where people are constantly judged based on their appearances, behaviors, successes and failures. This makes it harder for people to share their true self, which in turn leads to an emotional churn inside them. So how can we overcome it? 

Be your authentic self:

Before we can share our thoughts and feelings with the outside world, it's important that we accept them truly. Sometimes, we can't accept the reality on our own. We keep saying to ourselves "everything is fine" when it's not. Acceptance does not mean confirmation. Things can be changed or worked upon towards betterment. But first step towards the solution is to accept the problem in its true sense. When we float in fake emotions, it might feel good for a moment, but the reality hits at the very next moment. So, accept the reality. Initially it might be turbulent, but once we overcome the situation, we will feel the true sense of freedom. Every day, when you look at the mirror, the image of yourself that you see represents your true identity. The mind and the thoughts that you own without putting any of the filters is your true persona. Try to be as close as possible to that identity when you face the outside world.

Be vulnerable:

As I said initially, one of the primary concerns of sharing our true emotions is the fear of judgment and lack of trust. Just because we have been hurt in the past or rejected in a situation doesn't mean we avoid those situations altogether. Be it in relationships, professional career or personal lives being vulnerable helps us in strengthening the bond. Until you share your feelings with someone in its raw form, you can never expect the same in return. Carefully choose the person, with whom you want to share as everybody around you might not be having the same though process to understand you. But sharing these emotions are very important be it positive or negative.

Do not sugar coat your words or give unnecessary excuses just to feel accepted by others. Try giving your honest opinion and see how it feels. Even if you do not get the expected response back, at least you will be in peace with yourself for standing with the truth.

Be answerable to yourself:

Ever landed in a situation where you question your own judgement? In those situations, it’s easy to just let go or give some excuses to our mind and brush it off. But it takes courage to face our own mistakes. If we can give ourselves the satisfactory answer, then it becomes pretty much easy to face others. Make yourself accountable for your own deeds and analyze the outcome. This way you will be able to avoid making unnecessary excuses which in turn will lead to clutter free mind.

Be grateful:

It really matters in our life how we think about others. Thinking good for others, brings back the goodness to us. So, take time to give genuine compliment to others, be present in your full form in other's happiness and bad times. Forgetting about material things, focus on the genuine possession of love and happiness. As per lot of scientific studies, expressing gratitude on a regular basis have positive outcome in our daily lives.

To summarize, it takes very less effort to be your true self compared to living a life with a mask on. Do not waste your energy in trying to fit into the requirements of somebody else. If you are happy with the way you conduct your mind and body, that will bring peace to you.


  1. Good food for thought! And I hope it was as simple as that in real life.

    Today. where we meet so many people and we are driven by our own and our loved ones biases, decisions, choices, Relations are like 2-minute noodles.
    People don't care to introspect so much. Or, do they?
    I would love to see you write to cover that angle.

    Good luck!


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