Why we should stop waiting for the weekend?
On a Friday morning, when you browse through the social networking sites,the most common thing you will notice is the hashtag #TGIF (Thank God It's Friday). Various posts and pictures are marked with this hashtag to welcome the weekend. People get busy in making plans to hangout with family and friends, to do pending house chores, groceries, kids activities and the list is endless. By the time its Sunday afternoon, the effect of Monday blues starts. Anxiety starts building up for the upcoming week.
Before the social media age, when I was a kid, back then also, my family would eagerly wait for the weekend. The primary reason being, no schools or office, special lunch meals will be prepared and whole family will spend some quality time together. This same tradition continues till today, where I always wait for the weekends. After a full week of hustle-and-bustle, living between office desk and kitchen counter , I will get some free time. But reality now is very different. Sometimes weekends become more chaotic compared to the week. I strongly believe, I am not the only one going through this.
The more I look around my workplace or community now, this living for weekend has become a thing. Everything is being pushed out for the weekend. Sometimes the calender's are marked several weeks in advance in order to get the perfect time slot. Every little celebration, be it a promotion, or an anniversary, or birthday, everything has to be on a weekend. All we are doing from Monday to Friday, is just working very hard at our office desks or home and wait for the weekend.Cherry on the cake are the long weekends when we get that extra day which warrants for weekend gateways or a window to execute a long list of things that we have put in our backlog of TO-DO list. In the blink of an eye, two days just disappear and we are back to schedule on Monday.
This living for weekend tradition is actually a red flag. In the whole year, out of 365 days we just have 52 weekends. So why to wait for those 48 hours of the week, when we have the whole week for us.How can we always welcome Monday's with same energy as we have on Fridays?
I am putting together some ideas to try here.
Step out on weekday's too
If possible, try to plan small gatherings during weekday's. I know Friday's are fun as we all have two days of rest ahead. So usually in office or home, we prefer to plan on Friday. But there is no harm on going out on a weekday too. It actually recharges us, for the rest of the week. Also we avoid people rush.
Divide the chores throughout the week
We often postpone our low priority tasks to weekends, which suddenly becomes a last minute job on a weekend. I have multiple examples of this as I do this all the time. Buying a gift for a party, doing laundries, bills pay, the list can go-on. With this huge TO-DO list,we just get drained over the weekend.So by Monday, we have no energy left to start the fresh week. Its a good practice to strike out some of the items during the weekdays so that weekends are free for enjoyment.Cherish the moment as they come
Sometimes its good to live in the moment rather than postponing. So try to call for an instant celebration instead of pushing out to later as things may loose their charm. What if, something more high priority comes up which will occupy the weekend? Will you keep moving the dates out? So just go for it and celebrate.
Find a weekday passion
Its good to have some side activity going on during the weekdays apart from the daily routine. This will keep you motivated and energize and also will give a feel of accomplishment. But make sure its a hobby and casual stuff which does not have a success criteria. Otherwise its just a overburden to maintain it.
Reflect on your memories
We all gather our memories from the little or big celebrations we have during the weekends. So reflecting on those memories is a good way to start the week. Same stands for weekends too. We reflect back on our whole week activities and try to learn how to be more organized.
At last, I would say, Weekends are definitely fun and there is no harm in waiting for the Friday, but son't forget to live the rest of the week with the same energy level.
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